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My own private Morse key collection
KEY 21

Please help me to identify this one
it is made in diecast brass, weight 1412 grames, contact pressure is about 1700 grames, can not be adjusted.
I am interested in:
Manufacture, production year, where was it used

The top plate is made water proof, with a rubber gasket

Here is shown the water proof cable hole

Ideas for this key:
Millitery key from 1935-45 - USSR - seen in U-boat.
Normaly written "Belarus XXXX" on the wooden plate that is missing - PJ

Interesting key. Due to the construction I would guess that it was used on a
battle ship. Possibly a key for keying the large lamps that they used for
messages. Looks too bulky for a regular radio key. 73 - Mike

Tom, I think it is a navy key...looks british...just my thoughts - John

As to your #21 key, I am not familiar with it specifically, but from
it's construction, it is obviously a flame proof key of some kind, and
I'd guess that it is military. It could also be a weatherproof key for
use outside on the signal bridge of a navy ship - Brad

I agree with Mike, though not necessarily for a battleship.
Most ships had what were called "bulkhead blinkers" that
were used for sending Morse as short range. The keys often
looked like this. The Morse was sent very slow, and the
keys had to be very heavy duty because they were permanently
mounted outside, usually on the bridge wings.
The ones that I have seen had threaded conduit holes for the
connecting wires - Lynn