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Schulze ISL6-330d Modifications - See the 10A discharge mod
On this page you will find homemade modifications to perform on your ISL6-330d Schulze charger
Serialport, Sound ON/ON, Display Light, Dual Boot, Your Name in the Display, Read first.
Original Serial port
Original Jack female connector is glued to the inside of the top lid. A small pcb with a 3 pin connector is used,
a "servo" type cable with connector is used to connect to the little RS232 driver board that is placed under the mainboard.
Original rs232 driver board under the main board.
Original rs232 driver closeup.
Homemade serial port made for free
I have numbered the four holes located just over the red push botton
this is a ISL6-330d but I guess all the other ISL chargers uses the same 4 holes.
so you might get lucky to also use this instruction if you have other models.
I have cut out a MAX232 IC and the capacitors it need from an old computer interface board,
this board uses SMD components is it is really small, a normal DIL type soldered to a vero board will also work.
Here is a closeup of my little rs232 driver installed
I just uses a IC socket to make a nice little connector
that fits into the other connector I have soldered into the main charger board
IC socket used as little connector.
The plug inserted.
See the colours used, make sure all is connected right
The PC cable is made just as explained in the ISL6-330 manual, so no need to repeat it here.
The PC software you need is called "winsoft" a free demo version can be downloaded here: www.schulze-elektronik-gmbh.com/soft_e.htm But full version cost money, that's life.
Anoter good alternative is a FREE PC software called Akkusoft go here: www.akkusoft.at and download it.
Sound ON/OFF and level adjust
The latest software for the ISL6-330 has no sound on/off setting in software,
so you need to add a switch if you like to charge late nite, without waking up the whole house.
dont remove the little gray wire from the pizo sounder, solder a new wire to the end of it.
if you solder directly on the pizo you will ruin it.
The switch I have used is really small it has 3 positions. Adding a 100k resistor on the two pins
at each edge will give you 3 levels; UP = weak sound, CENTER = no sound, DOWN = Loud sound.
Display light
The LED display is a normal cheap industrial standard type,
it can be replaced with a LED back lid type, so you can see what is going on at nite.
Bestillings nummeret til ELFA på de displays til ladderen:
L1671B1J LED 75-550-14 152,00 Dkr + moms.
Here are two isl6-330 chargers running at nite.
Dual Boot, two software versions in one charger
The good old software version 7.16 has a few great features and is faster to charge some types of batteries,
The New software version 8.06 can charge LI Pb and much more.. but some things are just not the same as the old one..
So I have copied both versions into a bigger type of EPROM and used A15 to select what version is running.
Version 7.16 is located 0-7FFF, and version 8.06 is located 8000-FFFF.
This is only legal to do this if you have purcased both versions directly from Schulze, so dont even think of asking me for their files,
they are protected by copyright laws.
Pin 1 is the A15 input pin, a 1k resistor is soldered to pin28 (+5V) the switch connects pin1 to either pin14 (GND) or floting.
remember to only change software version while power is off the charger, else you might end up with a problem.
Your name in the display
The startup text can be edited to your own name, you need EPROM programmer and Binary file editor,
You can even make your own special Danish version of the menu system if you like.
(it is legal in Denmark to make a backup copy of all software that you have purcased for your own use only,
this could be different in your country, so please check this first ! so you dont get into trouble)
Here is a screenshoot of editing version 7.16
be carefull only to edit the text inside the red marking I have added, else you will screw up the program.
Startup text is located at 6364h-6373h in version 7.16
Startup text is located at 638eh-639dh in version 8.05
other versions will have other locations !
All modifications you make is done at your own risk !
you will not have any warranty on your charger after performing any of this mods.
Please dont violate any copyright laws.