The CW-Keying is done by turning the PA-stage on or off with a P-channel fet or a PNP transistor
The PA transistor (2N4427) gets a bit hot, this can be solved by incerting a resistor in the collector/powersupply, to reduse output to about 800mWatt.
Here is one Buffer/Filter block, for 144Mhz: T2 is 5turns 0.6mm cu wire wound on a 5mm plastic form, see picture.
The output is one turn, the same circuit can also be used as a 16 to 48Mhz tribler:
then R1=notmounted, R2=4K7, R3=shorted. C1=47pf, C2=notmounted
T2 prim 16turns 0.2mm cu, sec 1turn
Transistor: almost eny fast small signal npn can be used, good luck
Here is a photo of my actual working version, dont place the coils to close.